17 Hargreaves Street, Auckland CBD
Mansons TCLM commissioned Platform Consulting Group to convert an aged and tired warehouse into a large, single tenancy, base building shell.

Project Details
Client: Centuria
Value: $10m +
Location: Auckland
Staff: N/A
Sector: Property
Project Type: Commercial
Size: 4,300sqm
The 2,000sqm premises was previously home to the Fuji Xerox warehouse, distribution and repair centre, and was in need of a full refurbishment to house the new tenant MediaWorks, New Zealand’s largest brand collective of television, radio and interactive media.
A significant part of the building upgrade has been to construct a new mezzanine floor, converting the circa 2,000sqm warehouse into 4,300sqm of office space. The large mezzanine floor has required significant structural and seismic works, undertaken by our engineering partners. The upgrade also includes a new 360sqm, partially covered, external pavilion area and a bike shed. The internal shell upgrade and mezzanine floor works are due for completion circa June 2019, with the external pavilion area due in August 2019.
MediaWorks have commissioned Warren & Mahoney as Architect, AECOM as Project Manager and Hawkins as their Builder to undertake the tenancy fit-out works, which have been integrated into the base build works Platform Group are currently undertaking.